I`m Costa Rican. I am 18 years old and I study a English major at the Universidad de Costa Rica (University of Costa Rica, UCR). I like to comunicate to other people and I want to become a good journalist. I`m the comunity manager of the citizen journalism website Habla Costa Rica
Soy costarricense. Tengo 18 años de edad y estudio la carrera de Inglés en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Me gusta comunicar a otras personas y quiero llegar a ser una buena periodista. Soy la organizadora de la comunidad de la página web de periodismo ciudadano Habla Costa Rica.
Latest posts by Adriana Vargas
Costa Rica: Clashes Over Autonomy on UCR Campus
On April 12, 2010, Costa Rican police officers arrived to the University of Costa Rica to detain a campus transit officer, accused of corruption. However, members of the university community said that this attempted arrest goes against the university's status of autonomy, which led to clashes.
Costa Rica: New Traffic Law Takes Effect
The new Traffic Law in Costa Rica recently went into effect, which raised the amount of fines and allowed for a higher blood-alcohol level for drunk drivers, of which Costa Rican bloggers express their opinions.
Costa Rica: Thumbs Up or Down to Campaign Ads
With the Costa Rican presidential campaign winding down, many local bloggers have been providing their thoughts on the wide range of election ads by the various candidates.