Latest posts by Aglaia Berlutti
Venezuelan education and the specter of ideology
"I imagine Venezuela's [next] generation. . . A generation for whom dissent goes against the idea of the nation. A country of indoctrination, without arguments or debate. A silent country."
Venezuela: The Horror Beyond the Door
"The stench of the tear gas is everywhere. You can still hear the muffled echo of explosions, sometimes far away, sometimes close by. A constant, incomprehensible chain of events. ""Seguí sin comprender el motivo del ataque. ¿Existe alguna justificación a su potencia desproporcionada? El mero pensamiento me llena de amargura. No la hay, por supuesto."
Caracas the Deceiving City (and Other Forms of Pain)
“Caracas is different, it has a sense of identity. There is fear for sure, but there is also the happiness of small things. [...] The small hidden treasures.”
Chronicles of a Concerned Venezuelan: Scenes to Help You (Try to) Understand Venezuela
"Venezuela is falling to pieces. We’re falling apart and I wonder if any of us are even aware of it."
Chronicles of a Concerned Venezuelan: The Landscape of Everyday Terror
"...I don’t remember when violence was not part of my life, when I didn’t live in fear of being attacked by those seeking to seize or to maintain power."
Chronicles of a Concerned Venezuelan: The Scars of History
"What is Venezuela right now? Who are we, the Venezuelans who have survived this historic defeat?"
Public Safety in Venezuela: ‘Safe Homeland’ to the Rescue?
A new security plan promises to solve the public safety problem in Venezuela, but the participation of the military generates doubts and mistrust.
Venezuela's President Offers Asylum to Edward Snowden
Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro offered political asylum to Edward Snowden, creating controversy within and outside of the country, in addition to intensifying tense relations with the United States of America.