Romanian/Kurdish contributor covering events in Iraq, including the Kurdistan Regional Government. Aveen is currently an MSc in Middle East Politics student at SOAS, University of London and, has previously completed a BA in History with a thesis assessing the role of Britain in the creation of Iraq (1916-1923), and its implications in the present day situation. She does a little volunteering and is interested in the legitimacy of borders, self-determination, Kurdish resistance and women's rights.
Latest posts by Aveen Karim
Romanian government considering following Trump's move and relocating its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
The possibility to move Romania's embassy in Israel to Jerusalem is yet another episode in the conflict between the PSD-led government and President Iohannis.
These Activists Helped Kurdish Families in Iraq Celebrate Newroz With Color and Resistance
A tradition of resistance inspired Kurdish activists in Iraqi Kurdistan to donate traditional clothes to those who can't afford it for the Kurdish New Year of Newroz.