Elena Ignatova

Working on projects for development of information society at Metamorphosis Foundation. Interest in new media, activism, citizen journalism…

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Latest posts by Elena Ignatova

Global: e-Waste – Recycle or Reuse?

  11 August 2010

Today, numerous households and businesses are constantly creating great amounts of e-waste (discarded electronic devices), and this presents environmental and health threats. Elena Ignatova reviews recommendations on recycling and reuse of e-waste.

Macedonia: Student Protest Ends in Violence

  31 March 2009

Recently, the Macedonian government decided to build an Orthodox church with public financing on the main square of Skopje, a decision that the citizens of the city disapproved of. On March 28, a peaceful protest against the construction of the church turned violent when a group of counter-protesters attempted to prevent it. Elena Ignatova reviews the reactions in the Macedonian blogosphere.

The Balkans: “Whose Is This Song?”

  20 January 2009

Recently several Macedonian bloggers published the documentary “Whose Is This Song” by a Bulgarian director Adela Peeva on their blogs and started discussing the story. The documentary was filmed as an idea that the director got during a dinner in Istanbul with several friends (a Macedonian, a Serb, a Greek and a Turk), when all of them said that the song playing in the background was from their country.

Macedonia Timeless

  25 December 2008

On December 24, 2008, there was a presentation of a promotional video for Macedonia – “Macedonia Timeless.” The video is written and directed by Milcho Manchevski (an Academy Award nominee in 1995), and its purpose is to promote Macedonia as a tourist destination. The video will be aired on CNN, and a dozen countries in eight different languages. Elena Ignatova reviews bloggers' reactions to the video.

Macedonia: Use Facebook If You Want to Flirt With Politicians

  2 November 2008

The list of Macedonian politicians who have Facebook accounts is pretty impressive and includes Vice Prime Minister for European Affairs, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Information Society, and Minister of Foreign Investments. But some bloggers don't think it's a big deal and would rather see these people using social networking sites to promote their politics, rather than make new friends online.

Macedonia: Software Freedom Day

  17 October 2008

As part of the global Software Freedom Day, Free Software Macedonia for the third time has organized an event in the center of Skopje. On Oct. 4, they distributed leaflets and disks with Ubuntu Linux, which were prepared specifically for this occasion and included free software applications for other operating systems as well as a movie on the Swedish piracy culture, “Steal This Film.”

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Balkan e-Waste Management Advocacy Network