Women in science. Illustration by Giovana Fleck, used with permission

Women are highly underrepresented in the field of scientific research: They make up less than 30 percent of the world's scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians, according to United Nations data. And in this small percentage, women of color are less represented still.
Throughout the world, about only 3 percent of the students in classrooms for ICT (Information and communications technology) are women or girls. For natural science, mathematics and statistics, they make up 5 percent. The reasons vary but often include family and financial considerations, workplace cultures, and discrimination.
In addition, the few women in these fields are rarely recognized for their efforts. Ninety-seven percent of Nobel Prizes for science have gone to men.
Yet, women's outlook on our world is needed. Their research gives important contributions to science and to our understanding of ourselves and our environment.
“As the world hurtles towards a future threatened by climate change and resource scarcity, the global scientific community must lose no time in recognising and promoting women scientists’ achievements,” L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science wrote.
Global Voices spoke with women scientists, whether they are starting at their career or with vast research experience to understand their challenges and highlight their contributions to this field. See the interviews made with women in STEM, social sciences, natural sciences, and more.

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