Stories about Eastern & Central Europe from December, 2005
Kyrgyzstan: Referendum
The Golden Road to Samarqand reports on referendum politics in Kyrgyzstan.
Poland: Troops to Stay in Iraq
the beatroot discusses the Polish government's decision to keep some troops in Iraq.
Russia: Corporatism
President Putin's economic adviser Andrei Illarionov resigned, charging Russia with corporatism. Sean Guillory examines the charges, looks at capitalism in Russia, and asks how far it is from the global...
Bulgaria: Phantom Faucet
Nomad Notes reports on a phantom faucet that has siphoned off 5,000 euros of state funds in Bulgaria.
Armenia: Linux in Armenia
Onnik Krikorian has more on localized Linux in the Caucasus, noting that open source software often ends up costing more in developing countries than does proprietary software because of piracy...
Central Asia: Year in Review
neweurasia takes a look at 2005 in Central Asia, declaring China the all-around winner in the region.
Blogrel reports on the Azeri government's decision to use Linux as part of a new education initiative to improve technology skills amongst students.
Azerbaijan: Christmas Iconography
Carpetblogger reports on Christmas (or New Year's as the case may be) iconography in Azerbaijan.
Russia: Gas War
br23 blog weighs in on the Ukraine-Russia gas war, calling it one of the most important regional battles since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Albania: Rinia Park
Our Man in Tirana reports that the redevelopment of a downtown Tirana park has created opportunities for enterprising businessmen
Armenia: Ooof
Zarchka is a new contributor at Oneworld Multimedia, and her first post is on the money and work that goes into celebrating New Year's.
Ukraine: Presidential Market Day
Veronica Khokhlova reports on her husband's encounter with President Yushchenko at an antiques market. The president visits the market at least once per month just as he has been for...
Poland: Avian-Free Nativity
the beatroot reports that avian flu fears stopped a Polish nativity scene tradition this year.
Afghanistan: NGO Skepticism
Afghan Reality reports on skepticism of and need for financial transparency in Afghanistan's NGO community.
Ukraine: Ad Copies
Russian Marketing Blog reports on how one Ukrainian company has taken its advertising ideas from recognizable campaigns run by other companies.
Uzbekistan: The Cost of Freedom
David Walther reports on the cost of freedom in Uzbekistan..
Russia: Free Product Placement
Russia Marketing Blog discusses how free PR and product placement made a certain Russian brand that has never advertised one of the world's most recognizable.
Russia: Not Enough Cows
Alistair reports that demand for dairy is on the rise in Russia while the number of cows in the country is falling.
Armenia: Green Light
Glendale Chick encourages people to green light a video on the Armenian genocide submitted to appear on Current TV.
Azerbaijan: Destroying the Past
Onnik Krikorian reports on the destruction of an old Armenian cemetery by Azeri soldiers in the exclave of Nakhichevan.
Poland: Christmas Carp
At p3, the beatroot says that were they given a choice, Polish carp would probably vote against Christmas. Almost all of the 22,000 tons of farmed carp in Poland are...