· August, 2010

Stories about Elections from August, 2010

Australia Still Waiting for a New Government

  30 August 2010

A week after its election, Australia is waiting for a new government. Neither side won a majority of the 150 House of Representative seats. Bloggers have been busy speculating not only on possible outcomes but also the reasons for the hung parliament.

Australia: Left Perspectives on Hung Parliament

  28 August 2010

Reacting to Australia's national elections held on Saturday 21 August, one outcome is certain: neither Julia Gillard's Labor government or Tony Abbott's conservative Liberal/National Coalition have won a majority of...

Malawi: Bloggers discuss freedom of speech and 2014 election

  26 August 2010

Malawian bloggers are currently discussing the nomination of Malawian president's brother as the ruling party presidential candidate for 2014 elections and recent arrest of a Presbyterian senior pastor Rev Levi Njombole Nyondo. He is alleged to have uttered seditious words at a funeral service.

Haiti: Shifting Focus

  25 August 2010

The Haitian Blogger suggests that the mainstream media is focusing on the wrong thing: “Attention should focus less on the distraction of WyClef Jean’s failed presidential bid…and more on the...

Myanmar: Wanted: Election stories

  23 August 2010

Myanmar has announced that elections will push through on November. A Glimpse of My Life tries to gather blog comments about the elections and ends up frustrated: “I have been...

Bangladesh: An Important Recognition

  20 August 2010

Andalib at Cadet College Blog discusses [bn] about the recent decision of Bangladesh election commission to recognize “sex worker” as a profession in the voter ID.

Haiti: Presidential Candidates

  18 August 2010

Can Wycelf run for President or not? Dessalines’ Children republishes a report which confirms that “Haiti’s electoral board [has] decided to push back to August 20 its release of a...

Brazil: Sex and Politics

  17 August 2010

Blog Futepoca [pt] posts a collection of videos from a federal deputy candidate for the next Brazilian elections in October. In the videos, Jeferson Camillo intends to show that he...