· December, 2006

Stories about Elections from December, 2006

Tahiti: A New President for Christmas

  28 December 2006

Blogger Jiriki says (Fr) Tahiti got a special present for Christmas: a new President, Gaston Tong Sang. The blogger links to a profile of the new President indicating that he...

Iran:A blogger was elected

  22 December 2006

A blogger from Hamedan is among the elected ones in City and Village Councils election.Mrs.Mehrnoush Najafi wrote a post on her election story with “kind hands of people” as its...

Anguilla: Convention vs. Corruption

  22 December 2006

Corruption-free Anguilla republishes an article by Indra Jeet Mistry, which calls for Caribbean governments to sign the UN Convention against Corruption – “the first legally binding, global anti-corruption agreement, marking...

Armenia: Election Update

  13 December 2006

Onnik Krikorian has the latest updates on the 2007 Armenian parliamentary elections, including the news that a popular war hero got arrested for allegedly plotting a coup d'état.

DRC: Kabila's First Challenges

  11 December 2006

Now that newly elected President Joseph Kabila has been sworn in, Sanaga Perigrinations says he has 3 main challenges (fr): “Pacify the country … Rebuild and develop the country …...

Ukraine: Kyiv's Mayor

  11 December 2006

Ukrainiana writes about Kyiv's new mayor: “If true, that would make Chernovetsky and Yanukovych two of a kind. The “Better Living Today” they promised turned out to be a “Big...

Taiwan: election outcome

  10 December 2006

ESWN blogs about the gaps between public opinions and election outcomes in Taipei and Kaohsiung mayoral elections. Michael Turton picks up the discussion.