· August, 2009

Stories about Eastern & Central Europe from August, 2009

Hungary: St. Stephen

  30 August 2009

Hungarian Spectrum writes: “Because there are so many references to St. Stephen nowadays in Hungary I thought I ought to write a post on what ‘Hungary’ looked liked in his...

Russia: Two Photos of Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam

  29 August 2009

LJ user drugoi visits Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric dam, posts two photos and writes (RUS) about the colossal damage done to the facility on Aug. 17: “It seems that it's easier to...

Albania: Honey

  29 August 2009

Stepping Stones describes an accidental stopover at a honey-processing place located on a beautiful lake in southern Albania.

Russia: Stalin at Renovated Kurskaya

  26 August 2009

LJ user russos posts photos (RUS) of the newly renovated Kurskaya-Koltsevaya metro station in Moscow, which now sports this line from the 1944 version of the Soviet anthem: “Stalin brought...

Poland: Microsoft's Photoshopped Ad

  26 August 2009

Eternal Remont writes about Microsoft's photoshopped Polish ad, in which a black man's head of the original ad was replaced with a white man's head.

Serbia: Threats to LGBT Population

  23 August 2009

Serbia's gays are facing plenty of problems - and on Sept. 20, they are planning to hold a gay pride parade in Belgrade. Sinisa Boljanovic reviews some pro and contra reactions published on Serbian blogs and in other online venues.

Russia: Flag Day Rally

  22 August 2009

LJ users daria_mas and alter-gregor post photos (RUS) from the opposition rally that took place in Moscow on Russia's Flag Day and ended with riot police detaining some of the...

Russia: Flags With Crosses

  21 August 2009

Eternal Remont is hoping that “the Moscow Times was recently bought out by The Onion” – and here's why: “According to the Moscow Times, the Russian Justice Ministry recently published...

About our Eastern & Central Europe coverage

Filip Stojanovski
Filip Stojanovski is the Central Europe editor. Email him story ideas or volunteer to write.

Daria Dergacheva
Daria Dergacheva is the Eastern Europe editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.