· December, 2010

Stories about Eastern & Central Europe from December, 2010

Russia: Internet 2010 Overview

RuNet Echo  31 December 2010

2010 highlighted several important trends of Russian Internet. Online audience grows very fast with people getting more news online and actively using social networks. In a lot of ways, 2010 brought a recognition of the power of the Internet into Russian society.

Hungary: “Viktor #Censorbán”

  31 December 2010

Kosmopolito writes about Hungary's new media law and suggests ways to draw attention to the situation; “transforming” PM Viktor Orbán into Viktor #Censorbán is just one of the strategies –...

Russia: Regional Minister Hired Through Internet

RuNet Echo  28 December 2010

A new minister for information technologies of Russia's Ulyanovsk region has been found through Internet [RUS]. Elena Balashova, 35,  was one of 2,563 people who submitted their online applications for...

Russia: How Vladivostok Christmas Tree Craziness Made Me Laugh

RuNet Echo  27 December 2010

People in Vladivostok never lose their sense of humor. Otherwise one would be in the perpetual state of depression. They laugh about everything from nerve-racking traffic jams and alarming snow situations to Christmas tree arrangements and new taxes on the imported Japanese cars.

Christmas Recipes in Global Food Blogs

  23 December 2010

Christmas means ‘coming home’ to many people - but if this isn’t possible, preparing a magic meal can be a consolation. Bloggers of many continents have shared their favorite holiday recipes. With these you can dream yourself back home or even visit a place, you’ve never been to before. Where are you celebrating Christmas this year and what are you serving?

Russia: List of Regional Governors’ Online Tools

RuNet Echo  23 December 2010

“Vedomosti” newspaper, published [RUS] a detailed list of online tools of Russian regional governors. The list includes links to personal websites, blogs, Twitter accounts, Facebook profiles, and even YouTube channels.

Belarus: More on the Post-Election Situation

RuNet Echo  23 December 2010

Democratist and Jamestown Foundation Blog discuss the post-election situation in Belarus; Information Policy writes about the hijacking of “independent media sites” during the election.

Hungary: New Media Law and Censorship

  23 December 2010

BloggingPortal.eu and Hungarian Spectrum (here and here) discuss Hungary's new media law. According to BloggingPortal.eu, “[u]nder this new law, a National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) will be set up...

About our Eastern & Central Europe coverage

Filip Stojanovski
Filip Stojanovski is the Central Europe editor. Email him story ideas or volunteer to write.

Daria Dergacheva
Daria Dergacheva is the Eastern Europe editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.