Stories about Digital Activism from January, 2007
China: Out of Libya
It‘s [zh] since been disabled, but there was one especially eye-catching post on Tianya, one of China's most widely-read bbs forum sites last month. ‘Save us!’ it read. ‘We've been...
Peru: Racism at the Beach
They say that to work is no offence, that there is no job that one should be ashamed of. It sounds logical, but not everyone seems to think that way....
Arabisc: Egyptian Bloggers Tie the Knot
Like in Egyptian movies, there is a thin line between imagination and reality in Egypt, where two politically active bloggers get close to each other at an anti-government rally, then...
Iran:Images about Iran that you don't see everyday
Thanks to Omid Memarian‘s [Fa]blog, I discovered this link where you can see a lot of fantastic photos about Tehran.It is an anti war “video.”
Bangladesh: Drugs, Sex Education, Freedom of Press, Winter Fruits and Vegetables and Man-Eating Tigers
There seems to be no stopping drug frenzy once it takes hold of a nation. Drishtipat Group Blog tells how Yabba, a speed/amphetamine derivative from Thailand is taking on Bangladesh....
Crime and Punishment in Kazakhstan
Blogger's Trial Kazis Toguzbayev, a journalist who uploaded his articles on KUB, a group blog, was tried in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on 22 January. In his article, Toguzbayev implied that the...
A Week Goes by in Kuwait
A couple of Kuwaitis have just participated in Gulfrun, an event which Kthekuwaiti attended, and which he described as: ” GulfRun is a yearly ‘rally’ that starts off in Kuwait...
Serbia: Blogging from Davos
Belgrade 2.0 announces blog reports from Davos posted by Bozidar Djelic, a Serbian “financial expert.”
Chilean Senator Explores World of Warcraft: Scholastic Team Building or Time Wasting?
Online, multi-player games like Second Life and World of Warcraft have attracted some authentic popularity in the form of subscription-paying registered users and a disproportionate amount of hype from techno-utopian...
Arabisc: Hijab-clad Doll Under Fire in Tunisia
This is Fulla, the Hijab-clad Arab Muslim adaptation of the decadent West's Barbie doll. Our Barbie wears the Hijab (head scarf) and Islamic attire – a long dress with long...
The Iranian Nuclear Crisis
The United Nations Security Council unanimously voted to impose sanctions against Iran over its failure to halt its uranium enrichment programme on December 23, 2006. Despite the gravity of the...
Uganda: the importance of blogging in Africa
Jackfruity writes about the importance of blogging in Africa, “My thoughts on the impact of blogging in Africa? Many of the blogs that do exist are shaping the way people...
Chile: First Bloggers Association
A group of Bloggers have decided to make the Chilean Association of Bloggers [ES]. The idea was born from the concern of not having a organized manner of communication. As...
Iraq: Olive Branch's First Anniversary
The Olive Branch Network celebrates its first anniversary tomorrow (Thursday, January 25), says Iraqi blogger Khalid Jarrar. The network is all “about bridging the gap between cultures and making the...
Zimbabwe: what happened to Zimbabwean Pundit?
The three month deafening silence on Zimbabwean Pundit blog is explained, “Over the last three or so months, you have come here looking for a new helping of “the world...
Malaysia: Website Formed to Support Bloggers
Mavericksym blog introduces a website called bloggers united that has been launched to support the two bloggers being sued by a Malaysian newspaper for defamation. The support site is run...
Iran:Don't Nuke me
Kamangir has created a banner with this slogan:Don't Nuke me I don't support him.The blogger used a creative way to say Iranians are not supposed to be attacked for Ahmadinejad's...
Russia: “The New Wave of Nazi Terror”
“From Knives to Bombs: The New Wave of Nazi Terror in Russia“: Sean's Russia Blog publishes a text by Vlad Tupikin (LJ user tupikin) – who “frequently writes on anti-fascism,...
Kenya: the revolution will not be televised
Black Looks writes from Nairobi, Kenya where she is attending the World Social Forum, “Maybe individual issues can be dealt with country by country and networking across the globe is...
Kenya: blogging the World Social Forum
The PANOS Institute West Africa and Fahamu, the publishers of the award-winning online forum for social justice in Africa – Pambazuka News, have jointly established a blog to bring daily...
Nigeria: African Digerati: Emeka Okafor
White African interviews Emeka Okafor: “Emeka Okafor is the first in the African Digerati series of interviews. He is a well established member of the African blogosphere, a leading thinker,...