· January, 2007

Stories about Digital Activism from January, 2007

China: Out of Libya

  31 January 2007

It‘s [zh] since been disabled, but there was one especially eye-catching post on Tianya, one of China's most widely-read bbs forum sites last month. ‘Save us!’ it read. ‘We've been...

Peru: Racism at the Beach

  31 January 2007

They say that to work is no offence, that there is no job that one should be ashamed of. It sounds logical, but not everyone seems to think that way....

A Week Goes by in Kuwait

  27 January 2007

A couple of Kuwaitis have just participated in Gulfrun, an event which Kthekuwaiti attended, and which he described as: ” GulfRun is a yearly ‘rally’ that starts off in Kuwait...

The Iranian Nuclear Crisis

  25 January 2007

The United Nations Security Council unanimously voted to impose sanctions against Iran over its failure to halt its uranium enrichment programme on December 23, 2006. Despite the gravity of the...

Chile: First Bloggers Association

  24 January 2007

A group of Bloggers have decided to make the Chilean Association of Bloggers [ES]. The idea was born from the concern of not having a organized manner of communication. As...

Iran:Don't Nuke me

  22 January 2007

Kamangir has created a banner with this slogan:Don't Nuke me I don't support him.The blogger used a creative way to say Iranians are not supposed to be attacked for Ahmadinejad's...