· May, 2014

Stories about Eastern & Central Europe from May, 2014

Ukraine War in Real Time

RuNet Echo  27 May 2014

Last Friday Ukrainian violence became even more viscerally evident on the Facebook account of one of the cyber-punk, post-state, viral-citizen-armies operating in the region.

Russia's Hashtag Activism in Ukraine

RuNet Echo  23 May 2014

Russian activists are capitalizing on #BringBackOurGirls by framing in analogous terms Ukraine's capture of two Russian journalists, hoping for a similar groundswell of awareness and public outrage.

Sultan Suleimanov on the RuNet's Last Chance

RuNet Echo  17 May 2014

Suleimanov attended an invitation-only meeting at Roscomnadzor, the Russian government's chief censorship agency, which is tasked with enforcing a series of recent laws that limit the freedom of information online.

About our Eastern & Central Europe coverage

Filip Stojanovski
Filip Stojanovski is the Central Europe editor. Email him story ideas or volunteer to write.

Daria Dergacheva
Daria Dergacheva is the Eastern Europe editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.