Naive Tattoos
The naive tattoos 낙서타투 are a unique style of tattooing. The designs can include a heart pierced with a cupid’s bow, a red onion, and a tramp stamp. This type of tattoo is great for people who want to express their individuality and queerness. Tattoos often represent a radical act of reclamation and are a conscious transgression of social norms.
Tramp stamps Naive Tattoos
Although the tramp stamp is a common tattoo design, its origin is a mystery. In 1992, a St. Petersburg, Florida newspaper first used the term as an idiom for food stamps. A few years later, the Toronto Star used the phrase to describe a Charlie Chaplin commemorative postage. Today, the design is considered a trend but is not as mainstream as it once was.
Tramp stamp tattoos have been a trend in the tattoo industry since the late 1990s and early 2000s. However, the term has almost always had a negative connotation, and many people associate the term with tramps or sluts. However, as women have reclaimed their sexuality and become more open about having tattoos, the term has gained new popularity.
Red onion Naive Tattoos
If you’re into food, a red onion tattoo will be right up your alley. It’s a realistic depiction of a large vegetable inked on a woman’s arm. While the tattoo is inked nicely, the placement is a bit questionable. Despite its naive appeal, this tattoo represents more than just your love of the veggie.
This onion tattoo design is very naive and realistic in appearance, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a tattoo that looks simple but still tells a story. It can be placed anywhere on the body, including the shoulder, wrist, and forearm. The tattoo design also includes the words ‘BEWARE OGRE’. The word ‘Ogre’ carries a negative connotation, but the onion can have a positive implication.
Heart pierced by a cupid’s bow
The Naive heart pierced by arrow tattoo design symbolizes love and romance. The arrow that is piercing the heart represents the arrow of Cupid, the Roman god of love. This tattoo design is a popular choice for lovers or people who are single and looking for a new love. It represents love, passion, and erotic desire.
A cupid’s bow is a traditional symbol of love and is an iconic image of Valentine’s Day. The arrow is usually pointed towards the heart, making the design a classic choice for Valentine’s Day. People who love Valentine’s Day often choose this design as part of their body art.
Ignorance tattoos
Ignorance tattoos are a trend that has taken the tattoo world by storm. Originally a hidden gem of the underground scene, these tattoos have risen to prominence over the past decade. Originally a bike messenger who tattooed on the weekends at home, Oakland based artist Galen Leach has embraced the ignorant tattoo trend.
Unlike the traditional tattoo style, ignorant tattoos aren’t meant to be taken seriously. This style is meant to be simple, with minimal coloration. It’s a self-expression of the artist.
Lolli Morlock’s naive tattoos
Lolli Morlock is an artist known for her colorful tattoos. She is an Artist-In-Residence at Thompson Seattle. Her colorful tattoo designs are perfect for the holiday season. Her tattoo design has a story behind it, and the exhibition explores the history and artistry of tattooing.
Lolli Morlock started tattooing five years ago, and has gained nearly 40,000 followers on Instagram. Since then, she has become a highly sought-after tattoo artist. Her colorful, naive tattoo designs are reminiscent of her childhood dreams. The tattoos cost between $100 and $250.
Beverly Bean’s naive tattoo
Beverly Bean became fascinated with tattooing when she was 25. While working in a drapery factory, she honed her artistic skills by getting inked. Her body art includes a black squid on her abdomen and jagged lines across her chest. She also has the letters “WORLDWIDE” and “TORTURE” inked on her skin. Today, it is perfectly acceptable to get naive tattoos on the body.